collective power


systems of oppression


in community

CPC’s vision is collective liberation,

la liberación del Pueblo.

We create spaces for learning, healing, and relationship building.

At CPC, we are committed to fostering empowerment among individuals and grassroots groups through our impactful programs. We advocate for a non-hierarchical, democratically run approach and actively collaborate with diverse multi-racial communities in Western North Carolina.

Central to our mission is popular education, a collaborative learning process that empowers communities to heighten their awareness and strengthen their capacities for transformative action. We place a special emphasis on supporting communities most affected by structural inequities, particularly the LatinX and Black communities.

Our community organizing goes beyond conventional politics and legal frameworks. It extends to the sharing of stories, songs, rituals, and food, creating a holistic approach that embraces our authentic selves. By prioritizing inclusivity and cultural richness, we strive to build a foundation for positive social change and community growth.

Our Organization

Join us on our journey, Learn more about CPC’s legacy.

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